Upcoming Auditions:



AUDITIONS Tuesday, January 21st, 6:30-9:30 pm
CALLBACKS Sunday, January 26th, 6:30 -10:00 pm
@Legendary Productions Theater

PERFORMANCES March 21st –  March 26rd

Cinderella Character Breakdown

ELLA – Though no one notices her beneath her rags and quiet demeanor, she is op inionated, charismatic, passionate, beautiful, and funny. Idealistic and hopeful, she courageously challenges the prince to change the policies in his kingdom – and helps him discover who he truly is. Always her late father’s daughter, she is determined to see the good in everyone despite her hardships and suffering. We see her blossom into a confident woman.

TOPHER – A misguided and lost prince who longs to do something important with his life. Though brave and heroic, he feels lonely and unfulfilled. Charming but NOT a stereotypical ladies man, he is thoughtful, appealing, and innocent – with an unforced goofy streak. Moral, genuine, and kindhearted, he is at a crossroads and must take control of his kingdom and his future.

MADAME – Ella’s selfish stepmother. The epitome of vanity and fashion. A ravenous social climber who values wealth, status, and material possessions above all else. Unapologetically dismissive and sometimes cruel, Madame schemes her way up the social ladder.

SEBASTIAN – The kingdom’s Lord Chancellor. Though he is Topher’s trusted advisor, he is devious and selfish. Using propaganda and dishonesty, he keeps Topher isolated and in the dark about his kingdom. Sebastian rules without regard for the lower class, or anyone other than himself – and truly believes he deserves to rule the kingdom.

MARIE – A friend to Ella and the town’s resident crazy lady and beggar woman, Marie is actually a fairy godmother in disguise. Wise, warm, otherworldly, and charming, Marie rewards Ella for her kindness by making her dreams a possibility.

GABRIELLE – Ella’s stepsister and daughter of Madame. Encouraged by her mother and sister to value material wealth and social status, she unenthusiastically joins them in their abrasive behavior. Quietly passionate, empathetic, and witty, she is drawn to Ella and Jean-Michel. Ironically aware that she doesn’t fit in.

CHARLOTTE – Ella’s stepsister and daughter of Madame. Brash, self-centered, materialistic, snooty, loud, sassy, and bratty, she has a ridiculously high, but unfounded, opinion of herself. She never passes up an opportunity to be the center of attention.

JEAN-MICHEL – A feisty, passionate peasant determined to make a change for the starving class. Impetuous. A firebrand, but lacks authority and isn’t taken seriously as a revolutionary. Has a crush on Gabrielle, though their courtship is forbidden because they are from different social classes.

LORD PINKLETON – The Lord Chancellor’s right-hand man. Announces royal balls, banquets, and even the weather to the villagers.


Giant, Fox (Puppet), Raccoon (Puppet), Footman, Coachman, Knights, Peasants, Serfs, Townspeople, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, Servants, et